Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The first birth!!!!!!

The first baby was born in the birthing house today!! Everyone is ecstatic, and it's happened so soon after the opening! A baby boy was born to the Nyassi family (i.e. a relative of Ebrima's)...!!! He will be named in one week's time at his naming ceremony. The delivery, attended by Nima Colley, went really well and mother and baby returned to visit their family compound about an hour after the birth.

I spoke with Sanna on the phone this evening and he said everyone in Penyem was thrilled, and that the women were dancing and celebrating around the outside of the home. There are several other women in the village who are due soon and it's expected that someone else will join little baby Nyassi very soon!!! Photos will hopefully be coming shortly of mother and baby... the birthing house trailblazers!

1 comment:

  1. Hey It's Lauren K.
    That is wicked cool!!!!!!! hope it stays healthy!
