Wednesday, November 30, 2011

First set of twins born in the house!

Penyem has joyously welcomed several babies in recent months, all of whom have been healthily born in the house. This recent group of babies includes the first set of twins, both girls!! Ebou has kindly sent photos of the babies and their families. There was another birth this past weekend and more photos are expected soon.

He and I spoke yesterday, and the villagers of Penyem are really pleased with how well the house is being used and managed. Apparently the goats like the garden a bit too much, and the pear tree planted during the opening ceremony needed to be replaced. Overall, great news as we head into the Christmas season. Lots to be thankful for!

Here are some of Penyem's new additions: Touray Adama Touray and Awa Touray, born to Adama and Mohammad Touray, and Kadidija Nyassi, born to Agie Jammeh and Landing Nyassi! There are also photos of Ebou planting a replacement tree...

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